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Opportunities in photography

Selling photography is pretty difficult. There are many customers who expect photos from a photographer. Most people even want good photos. It gets even more difficult when it comes to portraits, because there is also how people see themselves and the fact that they would like to be photographed in the best possible way. The most difficult thing is the price of the photography.

Wenn man schaut wie Inder Teppiche verkaufen, kann man viel lernen. Die erläutern erst einmal bei einer Tasse Masala Chai, wie ein Teppich geknüpft wird und welchen Zeitaufwand es bedeutet. Bei der Fotografie kommt noch der Faktor Mensch hinzu, der mal einfach, mal komplizierter vor der Kamera agiert. Und der Bereich Kunst, oder gutes Auge des Fotografen oder Fotokünstlers hinter der Kamera. Versuche mal einem Deutschen zu erklären, dass ein Rumsteak EUR 5,- oder EUR 50,- kosten kann, je nachdem ob er es in einem Supermarkt oder einer Metzgerei kauft oder von einem guten Koch serviert bekommt. So ähnlich ist es ja auch mit der Fotografie, seien es Bewerbungsfotos, Portraits, Hochzeitsfotos oder Produktfotos. Jeder kann sich eine x-beliebige Kamera kaufen, es wird dadurch noch nicht automatisch ein gutes Foto. Oder um im Bereich Kochen zu bleiben: wer sich einen teuren Topf kauft, kann noch lange kein gutes Essen kochen. Es gibt ja auch viele Menschen die ganz erstaunt auf die Kamera gucken und sagen oder denken: mit so einer könnte ich auch fotografieren. Eine interessante Theorie.

In the US and other countries, photography is highly paid. Services are appreciated there. Here in Germany we are a developing country in this area, and no customer can be blamed for that. After all, not everyone has come into contact with photography and can say what is good and bad. And hardly anyone knows how much work a photo or a report is. The artistic touch of photography is rarely appreciated. A lot of things are already neglected to be taught at school.
But everything is getting better (Bruno-Sensei): with digital photography, more and more people are able to enjoy a camera and the results consequently surprise some people. So that there is more acceptance for good photos and people also develop an eye for image symmetry, colors, contrasts and details. Services are the hope of Europe because products will be made much cheaper in China in the next 30 years. The Chinese will probably then produce the cameras and pots. But art and creativity are not so easily transferable and our opportunity in Germany lies in precisely these achievements.

5 comments on “Chancen der Fotografie

  1. rollinger

    Thank you, that feels good.
    However, it is very rare to find people here who know that “image composition” even exists.
    I had very good experiences in the Czech Republic. People are crazy about creativity there.

    16:9 cameras? What is that? Sounds interesting though
    PS: Unfortunately I couldn't find your email address

  2. Peter Roskothen

    Hello rollinger,
    There are new cameras with a 16:9 chip. Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX 1 and Leica D-Lux 2, which probably have the same technology, but different poor noise performance. Very good cameras with switchable format at ISO 100. But the chip is 16:9 with 8 MPixels. An interesting panoramic format.

    My email address can be found in the legal notice. However, because of spam, not as text, but for typing :-)

  3. I'm always amused by how many people want to know what kind of clipping tools I use. ;-)
    As if that really matters.
    But there is also a big problem. Many people really believe that if they have a good camera, they can take good pictures themselves. Because they don't know the difference between technically ok and creatively valuable or even meaningful in terms of content. It certainly has something to do with perception and consciousness, but also with the fashionable mentality of wanting to get everything as cheaply as possible or to do it yourself (I'm just talking about hardware stores...).
    As long as this mentality doesn't change, no one will really recognize or even be willing to pay for the work behind a good photo.

  4. rollinger

    with you Mr. It's this sharpness right down to the corners of the picture that I rarely saw anywhere else

  5. Oh yeah…. I just had another discussion about it today.

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