Lieber Artur, Du bist am 22.04.2024 verstorben und ich bin nur einer der Wenigen, die Dich seither vermissen. Dein offener Geist, der alles…
Eis-Preise in Deutschland € 1,60 – Eis-Preiserhöhung
Die Eis-Preise in Deutschlands Eisdielen erleben gerade Erhöhungen auf € 1,60 pro Kugel. Viele von uns scheinen vergessen zu haben, dass es zunehmend…
Google alternative for searching the internet
Google Alternative für die Suche im Internet: Seitdem Google Core Update 2023 (Google hat seinen Algorithmus geändert) ist kommerziell ausgerichtet. Offensichtlich geht es…
Frank Walter Steinmeier has become blind
Just like other politicians, Frank-Walter Steinmeier has become blind. He has recently been warning about the erosion of democracy and believes it is a civic duty...
PDF software license rip-off
Adobe Acrobat Pro is probably the largest PDF software license rip-off in the world, if you compare the price and performance of the software in the...
German politicians are ALL total failures
The German politicians – as the gas crisis shows – are ALL total failures. Anyone who does this job is either immune to feelings or simply...
Düsseldorf Airport commits serious intentional bodily harm
In my opinion, Düsseldorf Airport is committing serious intentional bodily harm through pollutant emissions and noise emissions (the volume is stressful in my ears and therefore...
40 degrees too warm at the South Pole
... and people continue to fly to their finca in Mallorca twelve times a year. It's so cheap at €29.99 per...